A redesign of the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL To Go) app, focused on refining the navigation system, integrating new app features, and improving the visual design.
Team: Individual project
Timeline: 8 weeks
Roles: User research, User experience design, User interface design
Tools used: Figma, Adobe Illustrator
Why this project?
I am an avid reader and frequent user of the Los Angeles Public Library system. I love the library. I often make use of the LAPL website and have tried countless times to try and utilize the LAPL To Go mobile app for added convenience. Unfortunately, the app has proved rather difficult to use and I decided to tackle an app redesign.
The Challenge
The library app must offer a wide range of features that need to be organized coherently.
The library has many potential users spanning a wide demographic range.
Heuristic Analysis: Current App
To discover what the issues were with the current LAPL To Go app, I conducted user testing to see how users other than myself responded to the app.

Searching the Catalog

Reliance on Third-Party Apps

Visual Design

Librarian Interview
I also went to my local library branch and interviewed a librarian there. We spoke about what sorts of community resources the library offers, who uses the library, why they come in, and what resources are in demand.

I learned that:
1. At that particular branch, books are still the primary resource of interest, but other library services are very popular.
2. Computers, printers, and free Wi-Fi are heavily utilized.
3. Many people frequent library events and classes.
4. Interest in e-books and audiobooks has significantly increased in recent years.
5. Library patronage is demographically very diverse, just like Los Angeles itself.
As a whole, the public library is about much more than just books. It is a mission-driven organization that prioritizes inclusiveness and provides free public services, community resources, and education to local citizens.
Empathy Maps
Based on what I learned in my interviews and research, I created empathy maps that reflected a diverse set of demographics, pain points, and needs, much like the users of the LA Public Library system.

Updated Feature List
After learning more about my users and surveying other library apps, I created an updated feature list.
+ access library catalog
+ view account
+ digital library card
+ see library locations & hours
+ see list of events
+ read e-books & listen to audiobooks in-app
+ reserve a computer / book a librarian
+ access library resources (job hunting, homework help, adult literacy, etc.)
+ translate the page into different languages
User Flow Sketch
Keeping these features in mind, I sketched out an initial visual user flow. Due to the numerous features required for this app, I deliberated over what type of navigation system would be most user-friendly and allow features to be easily discovered.


Visual Design
I took visual cues from the official LAPL website while updating the visual design for a more modern look. I utilized the same colors and color-blocking technique for cohesiveness and aimed to keep the visual design clean and friendly.

Key Redesigned Features
The final design stays true to the LAPL’s mission of providing resources for all LA County residents while allowing them to more easily complete library-related tasks on the go.
Main Menu
Home screen and main navigation menu where all features are located.

Catalog Search
Search the catalog for your books. Filter by type of media and availability.

Book Profile
Overview of book including plot summary, publisher, length, as well as locations and number of copies.

Checked Out Books
List of books users have checked out in their accounts.

Library Locations
See library map, addresses, and hours of operation.

Explore New Books
Recommendations and lists of new books for users to explore.

Newly Added Features
Event Calendar
See library events and filter the list by date, location, topic, and age demographic.

Make Reservations
Reserve time at a computer or in a conference room (at specific locations). Sign up for a one-on-one meeting with a research librarian to help you with your library needs!

Read E-Books & Audiobooks
Read e-books and listen to audiobooks directly on the app instead of being transferred to multiple third party apps.

One in three Los Angeles County residents were born outside of the US and millions of LA residents speak a language other than English. The global translate feature allows users to translate any page into LA’s most common non-English languages.

These resources are currently available on the LAPL website but not the app. As the LAPL's overarching mission is to champion inclusivity and provide public resources, I added this feature for users to easily access resources on the go, especially for those with limited access to computers.

Post-Redesign Thoughts
+ The LAPL app was an interesting design challenge for me because of its extremely diverse set of features and users.
+ I initially struggled with redesigning the navigation system because I desired “simplicity”, but the way I reorganized it made features difficult for my users to find, which is bad! It’s much better to focus on the users’ needs and design a system where they can actually find things even if it involves more menu items.
+ The library continues to be a wonderful community-minded public organization that we should continue to fund and support!